Why is it that we, as human beings, are so curious to know the purpose of something? Why do we care? Why are we constantly annoyed if we don’t know the reason? As we can see, it starts with why.
Simon Sinek, my favorite author and motivational speaker, states, “people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Simon explains this concept with his “Golden Circle” illustration, which provides information to help companies better understand their own unique selling proposition (USP) or mission statement. The Golden Circle starts with why, continues with how, and ends with what. Many companies can tell you what they do, but not why they do it.
Simon believes that this concept works because it helps companies understand their own purpose in this world. If their customers believe
what they believe, the world is a better place. As interesting as it may be, this connection between a company and a client is biological. Companies create emotional connections with clients so that they relate. This is done through the most inner part of the brain, called the Limbic system.
So, what does this all mean to RCP? We, as marketers, are constantly curious. We want to know what is new, what others like, and ultimately, how to be successful. We are biologically driven to invest our time into ideas that help our clients succeed. That being said, we want the best for our clients and are willing to do everything we can. We use our “why” to help them find theirs.
First, we start with our why. We believe in innovation and changing attitudes. This is why we do things differently.
Second, we continue with how we do things. Our ideas are analytically discovered and our strategy is found through long sessions of discussion with people who think in many different ways.
Lastly, we happen to be a marketing agency that consistently wants to help our clients.
Overall, we know that helping our clients succeed starts with understanding their why. We, as humans, care about purpose because it is something that is engrained in the deepest part of our brain.